Worship with us this Sunday!! 10:30 a.m. in-person, on our ECC Worship page, or on YouTube. We hope to see you there!

3 Strand Strong

2023-10-9 | Pastor Kurt Kincanon

We are grateful for the way you partner in the mission and ministry of ECC Lafayette with your time and resources. ECC has many faithful disciples who are regular givers to the mission and ministry of the church. Many have learned and applied what is called the 3 ā€œPā€™sā€ of Giving: Priority Giving, Percentage Giving, and Progressive Giving. ECC Lafayette also employs this through support of the Covenant Denomination and Conference each month with percentage giving based on what it receives from its attenders and members.  

This week I have chosen to attach a couple videos that give insight into the effectiveness of our missional support. The first is an overview of the 3 Strands Strong approach the Covenant Church takes to ministry.


This past spring ECC Lafayette presented our Fiscal Year 2023-2024 operating plan in the form of a Narrative Budget. The Evangelical Covenant Church denomination also employs a Narrative Budget. Please enjoy this summary of how all God accomplished through the church in 2022.

Mission Impact Report 2022

Ecclesiastes 4:12 states: Though one may be overpowered, two can defend themselves. A cord of three strands is not quickly broken. Together, the 3 Strand Strong approach of Denomination, Conference, and our local church strengthen and deepen our missional impact around the world. We do more together than we could ever do alone. 


Pastor Kurt