Worship with us this Sunday!! 10:30 a.m. in-person, on our ECC Worship page, or on YouTube. We hope to see you there!

Christmas Outreach 2023

2023-11-7 | Ronda Ooms

It’s that time of year again!  Can you believe that Christmas is just 48 days away?! This year seems to have passed so quickly!

Every year during this time, ECC raises funds to help with our outreach efforts. In the past, we decided to narrow our focus to a smaller number of people, families that we have contact with all year long through our relationship with Miller Elementary School. In building relationships, we feel like we can have more of an impact. We will be focusing our efforts on helping 10 families whose children attend our Afterschool JAM ministry on Thursdays. JAM stands for Jesus and Me and is a fun way for us to work with children to show them God’s love and to help them know how much God loves them and wants a relationship with them. On December 2, we will have a Christmas party for these children and their families. Rather than purchase gifts for them, we will give parents a gift card to put towards items they’d like to purchase for their children. That is one way to empower the parent(s) as it allows them the opportunity to think about and select specific gifts that will be meaningful for each child.

Our gathering on December 2 will include family pictures, a nice lunch, some fun activities for the kids, and some quiet time for the moms which may include a fun craft! We will have sign ups available soon to help with some items before December 2 and some opportunities to help on the day of the gathering. Please be on the lookout for them in the next week or so.

ECC is known for its generosity both in time and giving! Our goal this year is $8,000. A portion of the money will be used for Christmas Outreach, but most of it will go to fund our outreach ministries year-round.

We ask that you make this donation above your regular giving to the church. All gifts are tax deductible and will be shown on your giving record. If writing a check, please put Christmas Outreach in the memo portion. There is also a Christmas Outreach tab on our giving portal. 😊

Please pray about your part in helping us reach this goal. I have always appreciated the giving spirit of our congregation. As you give, you are blessing those in need.  

2 Corinthians 9:11 “You will be enriched in every way so that you can be generous on every occasion, and through us your generosity will result in thanksgiving to God.”

I would be happy to talk with anyone that has questions about our outreach ministry and the thought process behind why we do what we do. Feel free to contact me at 474-4842 or rooms@ecclife.net. As always, thank you so much for your support of our outreach ministry.