Worship with us this Sunday!! 10:30 a.m. in-person, on our ECC Worship page, or on YouTube. We hope to see you there!

Raise Your Joys & Triumphs High!

2024-3-19 | Meghan McClellan

Imagine you’re Mary Magdelene visiting the tomb after a traumatic few days of watching Jesus suffer and be crucified. You’re grieving and mourning the loss of a rabbi, a friend, and someone who has healed you beyond recognition. You walk up to the tomb only to realize that once again something has gone wrong. Jesus’ body is no longer there. You weep because even in the simple, honorable act of burial, someone had to come and dishonor Him.  


In the midst of tears, you hear a voice ask you what’s wrong. You don’t recognize the voice or the man standing in front of you. You’re too upset, so you begin to ask questions. “Where is Jesus? Where have you taken Him?”  


He calls your name. “Mary.” 


You instantly recognize the voice as your Jesus. Your friend. Your teacher. Your healer. Your Savior. Your King.  


Life will never be the same from that point on.  


Think what this moment meant to Mary. She’s heard Jesus say her name countless times in the past, but this time was different. Jesus revealed to her that His suffering and grief was over.  HER suffering and grief was over. Now was the time to raise her joys and triumphs high, as we sing in “Christ the Lord is Risen Today.” Jesus has conquered death!  


Hallelujah! He is risen!  


And so shall we.  


The long awaited Lenten season is coming to a close. It’s time for us to celebrate that Jesus has risen! And because His suffering is over, we too can trust and believe that our suffering is not forever because of the mercy Christ showed us on the cross. We can raise our joys and triumphs high to the One who came to save. In the end, Jesus holds the victory. Hallelujah!  


Because He lives, we CAN face tomorrow. Jesus has conquered death! He lives in victory, and we can too.  


I hope you’ll be able to celebrate Holy Week with us at ECC in one or many ways listed below. I look forward to raising my joys and triumphs high, along with yours, to celebrate our Risen King on Easter morning! 


Maundy Thursday 

“Come and Go” Communion from 12pm-1pm, and 5-6:30pm 

ECC Sanctuary 


Good Friday 

Service at 7pm 

ECC Sanctuary 


Easter Morning 

Services at 9am and 10:30am 

ECC Sanctuary 


Community Café 

Easter Morning: 8:15am to 11am 

Life Center