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The Sound of Silence

2024-4-16 | Kate Cogswell

Like any good relationship, our relationship with God requires time and intentionality.


As we practice the way of Jesus together, traveling as an apprentice to Jesus, we commit to doing what we can do. We make space for God to do what only He can do, by engaging in the practices of Jesus.


As we look at the life of Jesus, we see that He often withdrew to a quiet place. For Him, it wasn’t just a place – it was a practice, a habit.


Silence has been called one of the most radical disciplines of the Christian life.


Now – before you quickly dismiss this practice, pre-determining “silence isn’t for you”, please instead accept the invitation to explore it a bit, to give it a try.


Silence is an unfamiliar, and potentially uncomfortable, practice for most of us. We live in a culture that is full of noise, both physically and metaphorically. Though it might be a struggle at first, learning to sit in silence –orienting ourselves toward God –ushers us into His restful presence and affects how we live our lives.


In Psalm 37:7a, Scripture directs us to “be still before the Lord and wait patiently for him.” 

Extend grace to yourself as you engage with God in silence. This practice will likely take practice. Be patient. Your part is to show up. God is already present and waiting to spend time with you. We simply offer our time, choosing to make space for God in silence, without expectation of results or revelation. (Though we may receive them.)

Please join me in the practice of silence together:


Thank you for making the time to explore the practice of silence. Remember, it is a soul training exercise. Something that will take practice. And something for you to experiment with to find what works best for you in order to have it be a consistent part of your apprenticeship with Jesus.


We will continue to invest in our Christian spiritual formation at ECC by providing resources and opportunities to engage in different practices. You can find these at ecclife.net/soul-training.