Worship with us this Sunday!! 10:30 a.m. in-person, on our ECC Worship page, or on YouTube. We hope to see you there!

We Want to Hear from You!

2024-3-12 | Pastor Stacey Littlefield

Last fall, in the context of our ECC Touchstones of WELCOME, TRANSFORMATION, and PRESENCE, we pastors and ministry directors prayerfully discerned some direction for the coming year. You can read about the work we’ve been doing on the WELCOME initiative here.

In this article, I will focus on the TRANSFORMATION initiative to develop an ECC Rule of Life. We began to introduce to you this rule of life over four Sundays in January, in a sermon series entitled, Practicing the Way of Jesus. You can listen to those sermons here.

A rule of life is an intentional way of life. These are not "rules" for life, but a rule—a standard by which we partner with the Holy Spirit and one another to intentionally engage our own spiritual formation.

A well-designed and thoughtfully engaged rule of life supports our journey of transformation, sustains it, and enables our lives to bear the fruit of the Kingdom of God.

Our ECC Rule of Life consists of five distinctives: APPRENTICESHIP, COMMUNITY, WORSHIP, SERVICE, and GENEROSITY. You can read more about these distinctives and the Rule of Life here.

The next step in our process of making a Rule of Life part of our culture and mission here at ECC is to invite each of you to take part in a brief online inventory.

Over the next two weeks, we invite you follow the link at the bottom of this article and complete the Rule of Life Inventory. It should take you 5-10 minutes.

By taking part in this inventory, we can accomplish two important goals.

First, each of us as individuals can gain a better understanding of where we are in our own spiritual journeys, where we are growing, and where we hope to grow more.

Second, your participation in this anonymous inventory will help us better understand our church family, celebrate what God is doing in and through us, and enable us to discern how to help us continue to grow in these things as individuals and as a congregation.

Please follow the link in the button below sometime before Monday, March 25, and answer a few questions for us. We would really appreciate it! And you’ll be doing ECC’s mission and vision a favor!